Fighting Monkey, Open Workshop

Freitag, 29. Juni - Sonntag, 01. Juli 2018
19:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Carsten Stausberg
Internationale Friedensschule Köln
Neue Sandkaul 29
50859 Köln

Fighting Monkey Practice – Cologne, Open Workshop

Which games do you play to stay young?

It is a seminar that serves as a basic platform for further study of the Fighting Monkey Research. We will give you an overall introduction to the qualities and ideas that we have developed over the last 15 years of our F.M. research.

It is for dancers, movers, martial artists and people who are interested in human development.

You will experience mainly “movement situations”.

Irregular training methods to provoke and increase the adaptive value of your behavioral traits and strategic planning. We will work with complex structures to improve your movement qualities and increase your creative variability.

We will help you to understand the underlying principles of human motion and how stress and pressure affects our perception, behaviour and actions and how creatively adaptive you are in complex situations.

Foster improvisation, imagination and creativity.

The above are vital to problem solving.

Which is vital to adaptability, longevity and sustainability.

Play games.

Expose yourself to difficulties.

Workshop address:
Internationale Friedensschule Köln, Neue Sandkaul 29, 50859 Köln

Friday, 29 June 2018 –> Sunday, July 1st 2018

Friday: 19:00 – 22.00
Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 18:00

Total Event Price:

To book a spot, please click here:


For more details, please contact our host Carsten at:
